Sample Project

The WireBootstrap for Angular solution includes a sample project that demonstrates how to use WireBootstrap within the Angular framework.


The sample is a standard Angular project created with the Angular CLI.

The classes needed for the sample are registered in the application's module file at \src\app\app.module.ts.

The example page view components in the sample are used in the \src\app\app.component.html template.


The sample data used in the project is the same data used in the WireBootstrap for Gentelella theme project.

This data and the classes supporting data access are located in the project at \src\app\sample\data.

Data Service

The data service at \src\app\sample\data\sample-data-service.ts defines a DataSet that uses the sample data source. This service is imported and defined as an Angular component provider in the example page view components.

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