
The IndexedDB connector library is located in wire-indexed-db.js. This and other other related files can be installed from the NPM package registry at@wirebootstrap/wire-indexed-db.

npm install @wirebootstrap/wire-indexed-db

After installing, add a reference to the library on a web page after the Core WireBootstrap library.

<script src="/node_modules/@wirebootstrap/wire/wire.js"></script>
<script src="/node_modules/@wirebootstrap/wire-indexed-db/wire-indexed-db.js"></script>

Sample Project

The project includes a sample project that illustrates all the features of the WireBootstrap IndexedDB Connector.

After downloading, open the project in any web project editor. Next, open a terminal window and run the npm first script when running the project for the first time. This will install the npm packages required to run the project and then open the default page in a new browser window.

npm run first

Use npm start to run the project later now that the packages are installed.

npm run start

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