WireBootstrap for Salesforce

Salesforce is the worlds largest customer relationship management (CRM) software platform.

The WireBootstrap for Salesforce solution allows Salesforce to be used as a data source for developing custom applications using WireBootstrap and the many themes and components available in the Bootstrap marketplace.

Salesforce Data Connector

The WireBootstrap for Salesforce Data Connector is a WireBootstrap data connector that allows Salesforce objects to be queried from WireBootstrap applications. The data connector also provides access to Salesforce meta data such as lists of objects and their fields using WireBootstrap's data discovery features.

The WireBootstrap for Salesforce Data Connector uses the Salesforce REST API to retrieve data from Salesforce.

Sample Application

The WireBootstrap for Salesforce solution installs with a sample application that demonstrates how to use the WireBootstrap Salesforce Data Connector to develop queries against Salesforce and bind the results to any WireBootstrap component.

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