
The second example in the sample project is a new Vue.js Component called MyTable. The component renders a Bootstrap Table using the WireBootstrap Vue Directive. This component can then be used throughout an application to simplify rendering a Bootstrap Table.


The example below shows the code for the MyTable component function. The component renders a Bootstrap Table in its template. It sets the v-wire-config attribute of the WireBootstrap Vue Directive to the config property passed in by the parent component.

<script setup>
  config: {
    type: Object

    <table wire-component="wire.bsTable" v-wire-config="config" class="table table-hover table-striped"></table>

The MyTable component is then imported in the App.vue component in order to render the Bootstrap table. The binding passes in the configuration object using the config property defined above.

    import MyTable from './MyTable.vue';  

<MyTable :config="..." />

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