
Although it is not required that a component extend the wire.ui.Component class in order to work inside a WireBootstrap application, the wire.ui.Component class contains all the core functionality needed by a component to take advantage of the data binding, messaging, configuration, events, and other functionality provided the WireBootstrap framework.


Individuals working with WireBootstrap components to build applications are referred to as component consumers. For this audience, a subset of the methods in wire.ui.Component will be applicable. For an overview, read Working with Components.

Component authors are those who are building new components for WireBootstrap that will eventually be used by component consumers. For component authors, many more of the features of this base class will be applicable. For details, read Building a WireBootstrap Component.





Returns the configuration object for the component after initialization. This will be the combination of the configuration passed into the render method merged with the defaults defined for the component. Any component defaults will be overridden with user-defined configured passed into render.


Returns the internal data to which the component is bound.


Defines the component's data-bind callback function. For component authors, this is called anytime a component should update its UI based on a change in the data to which it is bound. For component consumers, this will in-turn call the databind life cycle event event if one is configured. Visit Working with Data Event for details.


Returns the native DOM element for the component. Use $element to return the jQuery version of the element if the component uses jQuery.


Callback function for a failure during a lifecycle event. See life cycle events for additional information.


Binds the configuration data in config to the component. This includes merging configuration settings with the component defaults, making any calls to data services for data, binding the UI to data, setting up the life cycle events, and listening for data changes. This method is normally called by component authors in the render


For components that use or many times just wrap internal jQuery components. This method will set or return the instance of the internal jQuery component.


Callback function for when the component has finished initializing. See life cycle events for additional information.


Component consumers are able to specify a list of fields to be displayed in a table component in a select configuration option in a number of ways. This method can be used by component authors to read that list of fields.


A boolean that tells the component to automatically use a spinner when refreshing its UI. This includes getting or changing data. This value defaults to true. See Spinners for details.

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